
You’ve Earned Those Credits – Let's Make Them Count!

Student on laptop with additional students in the background.

许多来到AACC的学生已经从其他机构获得了大学学分. 其他人则通过多年的兵役证明了他们对技能的掌握, on-the-job experience, standardized tests and more. You’ve worked hard to gain that knowledge, 所以我们会尽一切可能将这些学分计入你的AACC学位或证书.

How Many Credits Transfer to AACC and How?

At AACC, you can allocate up to 45 transfer credits toward an associate degree or half the credits required for a certificate. 这些转移学分中有多达30个可以来自非传统来源(军事经验), CLEP, AP, IB, credit by examination and portfolio assessment). Of those nontraditional credits, 通过考试和投资组合评估,最多可获得15学分.

Transferring Credits from Other U.S. 大学

Credits from other colleges don’t automatically transfer to AACC. In conjunction with content matter experts in the academic departments, 我们的记录和注册团队单独审查每门课程和学分,以确定哪些课程可以计入您在AACC的课程. 查看我们的 Transfer Credit Equivalency Database that shows how courses from other institutions may transfer to AACC. 了解哪些可以转移,哪些不能转移,将有助于您了解我们关于转移学分的最终决定.

  1. Before you meet with an advisor, submit official, sealed transcripts from each institution you’ve attended. The certified e-transcript is the preferred method of receiving transcripts. Most institutions offer official electronic PDF transcripts. 在这种情况下,让你以前的机构表明正式成绩单被发送到 records@yogaintheusa.com through a third party transcript delivery service.  
    Note: Documents submitted as email attachments are considered unofficial. AACC必须在成绩单打印和盖章之日起一年内收到.
  2. 就是这样! After your transcript has been reviewed, you will be able to view your transfer credit summary in your MyAACC account under Self Services > Academics (the little graduation hat icon) > Institutions Attended. Click "Expand all" to see specific coursework from each institution. 这将在我们收到您的正式成绩单后的20个工作日内完成.

Transferring Coursework from Institutions Outside of U.S.

Before considering transfer credits from institutions outside the U.S., AACC要求学生在每门课程的基础上,由我们认可的专业成绩单评估服务之一对他们的成绩单进行审查: 

Credit from AP, Cambridge, CLEP, IB, and Departmental Exams

Articulation 协议s with Anne Arundel County Public Schools

衔接协议是一种教育合作关系,一个机构同意接受在另一个教育机构获得的某些学分. Below you will find our agreements with Anne Arundel County Public Schools.

Prior Learning Portfolios

在没有国家标准化考试或挑战考试的情况下, 学生可以完成一个作品集,展示他/她的经历和大学水平的学习. In some cases, AACC will consider a 投资组合, 如果该经验证明掌握了AACC学位或证书课程所教授的技能或概念.


If you completed training through the U.S. military, submit your official Joint Services transcript (军队, 海军, Coast Guard or Marines), 社区 College of the Air Force transcript or a photocopy of your DD-214. 我们将您的基础训练视为AACC的通识教育健康/健身/健康要求, 当AACC提供类似学科时,我们会根据美国教育委员会的学分建议,为其他军事训练和职业授予学分.


AACC与安妮阿伦德尔县公立学校(AACPS)合作,将高中课程与AACC的大学课程结合起来,从而实现 熟练的信用.


Transferring to AACC

Transfer agreements (or “articulation agreements,(官方称呼)是机构之间的正式安排,允许某些学分从一所学校无缝转移到另一所学校.

AACC已经与马里兰州内外的学校建立了各种专业的转学协议. This gives you lots of options for a smooth transfer.



American Culinary Federation

A.A.S. - Hotel/Restaurant Management



American Health Information Management Association

A.A.S. - Health Information Technology


Anne Arundel County Department of Detention Facilities

A.A.S. Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice



Letter of Certification

Anne Arundel County Police Department

A.A.S. - Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice



Letter of Certification

City of Glasgow College

A.A.S. - Hotel/Restaurant Management



DoD Cyber Crime Center

A.A.S. - Information Assurance and Cybersecurity



Letter of Certification

Holistic Massage Training Institute

A.A.S. -按摩疗法



The International Coach Federation






Information on AACC's Transfer Credit Criteria can be found in the AACC Catalog. 这一标准与马里兰州高等教育委员会对转学学分的要求一致. Check out a few of our frequently asked questions below.

Can I register for classes prior to the completion of my credit evaluation?

是的, 但我们建议尽早开始,并在注册课程之前完成学分转换过程. If that’s not possible, meet with an advisor to develop an educational plan, 并提供成绩单的非正式副本,以帮助你的导师制定你的时间表.

Do my previous grades transfer to Anne Arundel 社区 College?

No. 成功完成的课程将获得相应的学分. 您在其他机构获得的成绩不会转移,也不会影响您的AACC平均绩点.


Some Ds will transfer in some cases.

Will I need to take placement tests at Anne Arundel 社区 College?

所有学生(不仅仅是转校生)都必须参加评估测试,除非你有相当于学术和写作研究1 (eng101)和通识教育数学课程的可转换学分.

我是从一个实行一刻钟制的机构转过来的. How will my courses be evaluated?

在一般情况下, 你应该假设大约三分之二的总季度学习时间将作为学期学习时间.