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The Visual Arts department sponsors a series of Pathways to Art School events each fall. 

University and Art School Fall Presentations 

AACC and AACPS art students are invited to attend presentations by visual arts program representatives from local, regional, national and international universities and art schools. Learn about visual arts program degrees, campuses, portfolios, financial aid, admissions and more!

Visual Arts Open House and Student Portfolio Reviews

AACC and AACPS art students will have an opportunity to share examples of their best artwork in person with representatives from universities and art schools. You may bring both traditional and digital work, sketchbooks or concept art to share with reviewers.

Previous Participating Schools

For information contact Assistant Professor Jennifer Schuster at or Associate Professor Erik Dunham at


We’re here to help.

School of Liberal Arts,
Visual Arts and Humanities

Wilfredo Valladares-Lara, chair


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